Postal code of Haidous, Batna, Algeria

The postal code of Haidous is 05035, located in Batna, Algeria. This postal code follows the same five-digit system as the rest of Algeria.

How to use the Haidous postal code

When sending any type of mail to Haidous, be sure to include the postal code 05035 in the address. This is essential for the correct routing of the mail through the postal system. Whether you're sending a letter, a parcel, or even online shopping orders, always use this code to ensure prompt and accurate delivery.

FAQs about Haidous PIN Code - 05035

1. What is the postal code of Haidous, Batna?

The postal code of Haidous, Batna, Algeria is 05035.

2. Where is Haidous located in Algeria?

Haidous is located in Batna, Algeria.

3. What is the postal code system used in Haidous, Batna?

The postal code system in Haidous, Batna follows the same five-digit postal code system as the rest of Algeria.

4. Is the postal code 05035 used in Algeria?

Yes, the postal code 05035 is used to identify Haidous in Batna, Algeria.